Thursday, June 25, 2009

Personality Profile

I took a personality profile test a few months ago and found out that I am an ENTJ. If you have no idea what I'm talking about then go here: to take the Jung Typology Test.

Here are some words that describe my personality type:

decisive, fearless, planner, thrill seeker, engaged, social, self centered, comfortable around others, image conscious, likes to be center of attention, adventurous, outgoing, manipulative, emotionally stable, leader, ambitious, hard working, dominant, prepared, hates to be bored, confident, opinionated, analytical, prepares for worst case scenarios, organized, orderly, clean, driven, resourceful, finishes most things they start, achieving, risk taker, desires fame/acclaim, image focused, narcissistic, arrogant, perfectionist, driven, academic, scientific, critical, avoids giving in to others, does not like to compromise, skeptical


  1. most i agree on. i took that test a while back but i forgot what type i was. i'll take it again soon and let you know.

  2. I'm ENTJ as's pretty spot on for both of us, I think. Ha ha ha!

  3. I took one of these a while back for a class. I was ISFP I believe. It turned out to be scary accurate. Good find.
